Mega MLSs are attempting to sell Remine — either whole or in parts

The joint venture formed by Austin Board of Realtors’ Unlock MLS, First MLS, Miami Realtors’ MLS and Heartland MLS has hired a firm to liquidate Remine’s assets, a review of legal filings show. Continue reading

Texas-based mega MLS will no longer require Realtor membership

The Austin Board of Realtors’ Unlock MLS will offer non-Realtor subscriptions starting June 1. Continue reading

Where real estate’s major players stand on Clear Cooperation Policy

Some real estate leaders say the focus on Clear Cooperation stems from the recent commission lawsuits. But other see a deeper question about brokerage profits at the heart of the issue. Continue reading

‘Business as usual’: Hiccups but few calamities as NAR rules roll out

New National Association of Realtors rules kicked in Saturday. By Monday, agents said they were fielding questions from clients, among other hurdles, but not seeing widespread chaos. Continue reading