Don’t leave money on the table: 3 tips for listing agents in a cooling market

Lady luck has nothing to do with that stellar price that smart agents snag for their sellers. Listing expert Julie Busby offers sound advice on how she gets top dollar for her clients even in a cooling market. Continue reading

Shut the front door! This 1 design choice can net sellers $6,500 more

Homebuyers love bold neutrals on front doors, while they eschew unorthodox shades like pink and cement grey, according to survey results released Thursday by Zillow. Continue reading

What other agents are highlighting (and hiding) in listing photos

Using fancy computer techniques, researchers analyzed more than 14,000 photos of homes for sale. From bedrooms to decks, here are the most popular features. Continue reading

5 gentle prospecting ideas for your team 

Aggressive sales tactics are not for everyone. Coach Darryl Davis offers his best advice for launching softer, gentler prospecting strategies for your team Continue reading

Stop, look, listen: Focus on what sellers are NOT saying at listing presentations

Clients tell you so much, not only with what they say but how they decorate, how they interact with each other and what they don’t say. If you’re not actively listening and asking questions from the beginning, it will come back to bite you later in the… Continue reading

Are you a leader? How to bring out the best in your people

Knowing how to be the best leader you can be is the first step before you can really be effective in helping your team blossom and grow. Continue reading

Oh, shift! What agents need their clients to understand fast

Given the relocation craze and the turning tides, buyers and sellers need to shift their strategies (and their etiquette) in this market. Here is what we wish clients understood right now.   Continue reading

You just took a new listing. Can you answer these 10 questions?

Only a small percentage of agents can answer these ten questions about their listings, according to author and coach Bernice Ross. Are you one of the select few who can?  Continue reading

Use seller leasebacks to give your clients more options

Providing creative solutions to buyers and sellers, such as leasebacks, is a tangible way to add value and create opportunities, according to team leader Julie Busby. Sellers on the fence about selling are much more willing to try if they understand al… Continue reading

How to help homesellers understand fair housing

Most homeowners want to do the right thing, but they don’t always understand how they can unintentionally discriminate against a qualified buyer. According to broker Teresa Boardman, transparency and communication are the keys to ensuring optimal outco… Continue reading