The real estate agent’s guide to marketing with Instagram

As the most user-friendly and visually focused social media platform, using Instagram effectively is a must for your marketing. Continue reading

Twitter’s open source code is the final nail in the (marketing) coffin

Should you continue marketing your real estate business on Twitter? The algorithm’s open-source code reveals that it may not be as useful a platform as it once was, and it could be time for agents to focus their social media marketing elsewhere. Continue reading

Love-hate relationship with social media? Here’s how I make it work

Although people have mixed feelings about social media, there’s no denying that it’s a valuable tool for marketing your business. Find out how agent Nikki Beauchamp puts it to work effectively. Continue reading

Where should I post? 3 steps for choosing a social media platform

Make your social media efforts count by posting on the right platforms. Not sure which ones to choose? Here’s three steps to help you determine which social media platforms are right for you and your business. Continue reading

CHALLENGE: Make your social media look flawless in 7 days

Enhance, optimize and fine-tune your online presence in seven days using this social media refresh checklist for real estate. Continue reading

QUIZ: Test your real estate marketing IQ

Are you a real estate know-it-all? Just a big trivia buff? Take Inman’s real estate marketing quiz. Test your knowledge to see if you’re on the right track or if you need to study up. Continue reading

Is it worth it? 10 common marketing metrics and how they measure up

It can be challenging to discern meaningful data from the rest. Still, it’s vital to grow your social media efforts effectively. You want to avoid what’s called “vanity metrics” and measure the metrics that mean something. Continue reading

You plus ChatGPT: 3 ways to upgrade your Instagram content

Trying to figure out how to use AI without creating generic-sounding content? Social media expert Michelle Berman-Mikel shares three ways that you can use ChatGPT for Instagram without automating yourself out of personal connections. Continue reading

What is the Word of the Year for Instagram in 2023?

In 2023, if you put an emphasis on the art of human connection and tap into the brains of your ideal clients, you have a chance to see the success you’re after using the platform. Continue reading

Move over YouTube, Insta and TikTok — The hot new video platform for 2023 is Foiye

If you’re ready to build your brand on a site exclusively devoted to real estate professionals and enthusiasts, Foiye is the place to be in 2023.   Continue reading