How can brokerages better support teams?

Happy teams are less likely to leave your brokerage — that’s why it’s important to make sure they have the right tools, resources and training needed to succeed. Here are a few meaningful ways brokerages can support team members and help them grow. Continue reading

Stop being a secret agent! 8 real estate conversation-starters

If you’re not out there interacting with the public on a face-to-face basis, chances are you’ve become a secret agent — and that has to change. Here is a variety of fun and engaging ways to get strangers to ask you about your job and real estate. Continue reading

3 signs it’s time for your team to move on to another brokerage

Is your brokerage there to support your goals, growth and success in real estate? If not, then perhaps it’s time to move on and look for a different place to house your team. Here are a few signs to look for when making that decision. Continue reading

Stability, strategies and sharing: A playbook on leading businesses through crisis

Real estate professionals were preparing for spring buying and selling season when our lives were upended by COVID-19. As chief operating officer of Coldwell Banker Real Estate, I work with hundreds of business leaders from our Gen Blue network, offeri… Continue reading

FAQs (and answers) about being a real estate agent during COVID-19

Over the past month, we have received thousands of calls and emails from real estate agents all over the country asking about how the coronavirus (COVID-19) will affect their day-to-day activities working in the industry. Here is a snapshot of the most… Continue reading

A great coach is closer than you think

In real estate, you learn by doing. Licensing is the first step, of course, and many agents and brokers pursue continuing education and other formal accreditation programs to further hone their business. Continue reading

Inman Success Stories: Nest Realty

Nest Realty is based in Charlottesville, Va. Founder Jonathan Kauffmann and the team had a specific need: to build critical brand awareness. Continue reading

Why teams need onboarding and training systems

Do yourself and your team a favor: Establish strong onboarding and training systems to make achieving your goals more seamless and systematic Continue reading

How to Get in Shape for Your Bucket-List Adventure

Bucket lists and adventure trips are more popular than ever, especially among older adults who are no longer spending their money and time raising children. Maybe you have aspirations to climb Kilimanjaro, hike across the Grand Canyon, ski the Swiss Al… Continue reading