Anxious clients? Here’s how you can respond

In the world of luxury real estate, it’s not unusual for clients to feel a sense of urgency, pressure, and even anxiety. While a global pandemic and related economic crisis certainly ups the ante for agents and raises a unique set of risks, stressors, … Continue reading

Looking a little rough? Here’s how to keep it cute in quarantine

Feeling a little drab? Need a root touchup? Starting to look like a hippie? Quarantine is rough on the beauty routine and basic upkeep, but worry not! We’ve pulled together some of the top BeauTubers’ (that’s beauty + YouTuber) advice on how to keep it… Continue reading

10 strategies for combating the stress of uncertainty

Although you can’t anticipate what the pandemic will do in the future, you can control how you respond to it. Here are 10 strategies to help ease anxiety. Continue reading

5 ways to calm anxiety and keep your business moving forward

Right now, the impact that coronavirus is having is causing strain on many, whether it’s actually in your market or not. Here are a handful of ways to help relieve some of the tension you might be feeling and keep it business as usual as much as possib… Continue reading

Show Yourself Some Love on Valentine’s Day

Who stresses over playing word games online? I do. Or I did, when the once-enjoyable time suck began to require more attention than I wanted to give it. When anticipation of playing first turned to dread, I waffled for a week or two. Then I deleted the… Continue reading

Struggling to pack it all in? Here’s how to own your time

If you find yourself saying things like “There’s not enough time in the day,” know that there’s a better way, and it starts with being proactive. Being proactive is time-blocking, whereas being reactive is like playing whack-a-mole all day. Here’s how … Continue reading

Stuck in a sales slump? 5 steps to work your way out

Everyone hits a slump at some point in their career. The question is: What can you do to get yourself out of it? Here’s how to get out of that rut. Continue reading

How (and when) to say ‘no’

It’s a tough skill to learn, but setting your boundaries with a polite — but firm — “no” is an essential way to control your time, energy and professional life in today’s “yes” culture. Continue reading

New year, new you: 8 ways to practice self-care

With the changing landscape of our field, the changing business models and the speed at which we have to respond to survive, it’s strategic and smart to practice self-care. Continue reading