Understanding Clear Cooperation’s delayed marketing exempt listings

Navigating the National Association of Realtors’ amended Clear Cooperation Policy could cause a headache. If you don’t want to lose your mind — or your listings — follow Coach Darryl Davis’ lead. Continue reading

NAR opts to keep Clear Cooperation but adds a new option

After months of debate, NAR announced Tuesday it will keep its policy requiring properties to be listed on an MLS within one day of marketing while adding new “delayed marketing exempt listings.” Continue reading

Repealing CCP restores choice, trust, common sense: Darryl Davis

When it comes to the Clear Cooperation Policy, the risks aren’t worth the rewards and the potential for further litigation, coach Darryl Davis writes. Continue reading

DOJ signals Clear Cooperation alone may not be anticompetitive

A Department of Justice footnote filed on Monday in the Nosalek commission lawsuit suggests some industry leaders may have misinterpreted earlier DOJ messaging. Continue reading

It’s time to reimagine off-market listings: Cara Ameer

A middle ground that provides choices for sellers and options for agents might be just what the industry needs to create movement in the market, broker Cara Ameer writes. Continue reading

Brokerages that oppose CCP don’t want transparency: Medford

We need a fully transparent system that favors the consumer, not the broker, team leader Carl Medford writes, so that buyers and sellers can feel confident when transacting real estate. Continue reading

Rethinking ‘Coming Soon’: A Clear Cooperation compromise

Reasonable adjustments to current policies can satisfy both sides of the Clear Cooperation Policy debate, consultant Chris Marzke writes, benefitting clients, developers and real estate professionals. Continue reading

Why client disclosure, not MLS mandate, serves homeowners best

Compass CEO Robert Reffkin cites research on pre-marketing outcomes to argue for an end to Clear Cooperation Policy mandates. Continue reading

NAR, Phoenix Realtors settle fight over MLS Choice

The Arizona association will withdraw MLS Choice, but will still offer some resources to people holding real estate licenses who are not members of NAR. Continue reading

EXp CEO answers 10 questions on CCP, MLS and transparency

EXp Realty Chief Executive Officer Leo Pareja answers your burning questions on the future of the Clear Cooperation Policy, multiple listing services and serving homebuyers and sellers in 2025. Continue reading